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Sujatha Novels Pdf

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The Tamil of course is brilliant and the almost colloquial dialogues are a further plus. 1

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P S: The book is illustrated The stories evoke a variety of emotions Slowly, we see the stories turning towards lighter side to downright humorous ones.. The best stories to me were more normal like the cricket match, the snake and the love letter.. Srirangathu Kadhaigal uproots you from whatever physical plane of existence you are in and suspends you in the Srirangam of 1960s.

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The book made me nostalgic and recall instances of every hue from my life Click

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With the prose oozing with Iyengar Tamil and common characters or known incidents across the chapters, the book gave me much joy.. And thats what life is all about isnt it We meet our childhood friends and discuss those ridiculous episodes and anecdotes and end with a now look at us.. The best thing a work of art can do is to preserve the lives of people during a particular era and render it imperishable through its lines.. Srirangathu Kalaigal preserves not only the culture of that town during the 50s 60s, it paints an indelible picture of its denizens, their way of life, their language - the beautiful, extinct vocabulary, their arts, their religion, their food - it is like an entire town packed into one book with all its fierce idiosyncrasies and authenticity that has now eroded to give way to our 21st century materialism.. These characters tickled me to the bone, flummoxed me with their degree of eccentricity, triggered nostalgia stemming from some of my summer vacations spent in small-town Tamil Nadu, brought back fond memories of stories recited by family members of the previous era and what not. 773a7aa168 4

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The book rekindled memories - and isnt that one of the best reasons to read a book.. The most affecting were the tales of Gundu Ramani and Ravira very early in the book.. Impossible not to come out of the book without a feeling of having lived for years in the innocent, carefree, poetic, vittethi, savadaal times of the fifties and sixties.. A prolific and versatile writer who knows the minds of adolescents like the back of his hand, looks back fondly at his own adolescence in the picturesque and idyllic temple town of Srirangam in the fifties, and presents it as 14 short stories populated with with some of the most authentic and unforgettable characters ever to step out of the streets and o. Click